Monday, March 1, 2010

Home from Haiti

I got a terrific phone call Thursday afternoon telling me that Justin was on a plane back to the USA!!! He flew into Miami and flew home to Utah on Friday afternoon! It was great! He came home a week early! He definately has the nicest tan out of anyone in Utah right now.
His flight was delayed in Texas for a few hours which gave Claire and I time to suprise Justin at his gate at the airport. Everyone was expecting their families to be at the terminal but not us! They allow military wives to go to the gate with a special ticket so we made it through security, which Claire thought was fun taking her shoes off and ect. I had Claire sneek up behind Justin and when she noticed who it was she started jumping up and down yelling "dad, dad, dad." Huge suprise to Justin he was soo happy to see her! So cute! Its great to have him home!

Follow this link and its a video from one of the news cameras that was at the airport!

Here are some articles written about them with some quotes also.


Michael and Laura Elggren said...

That's so cool :) Welcome Home!

Raelynn said...

glad that he is back!!! WHAT A HERO!!